What a big week for Ms. Maude! She took her first flight (as well as many other new forms of transportation) and turned 4 months old! What a big week for such a little girl! Oh, and she got shots, too. And she's taking her second plane trip tomorrow. Seriously big week.
I had a meeting with a client on Monday in Seattle so we were able to have Mike come with and therefore we could also bring Maude. I was not ready to be away from her yet so I was so happy we could make it work. We flew to Seattle on Saturday and came back on Monday. For such a short trip, we packed a lot! It was crazy how much baggage we had and how long it took us to pack everything! We looked like the circus rolling into town when we walked into the airport with all of our gear.
I've had several friends fly with their babies and everyone said that their babies slept on the plane so I was expecting Maude to eat a little as we took off and then drift off and nap the entire time. We apparently have one of the few babies who is not at all interested in sleeping on a plane. She was way too curious about it all and wanted to see everything that was going on around her! We spent most of the flight passing her back and forth and entertaining a very antsy little girl. She was good, but it took a decent amount of work on our part to keep her happy during the flight. Two hours spent sitting in the same seat was just a bit too much for her!
Beyond her first flight, Seattle included many new forms of transportation for Maude. As soon as we landed, we took a tram to the main terminal of the airport to go and get our luggage. After that, we loaded up in a taxi which was also a first for Maude. On Sunday we met up with our friends Jason and Tonya and took a ferry ride! Then Monday was our flight back home. I think that was quite a few new things for our 4 month old. She loved it all and we survived our first flight with her!
So after going out of our way to avoid me being away from Maude for my Seattle trip, I found out that I had to fly to Minnesota on my own for a meeting just a day after we got back from Seattle. I was out on the 6:30 AM flight on Wednesday morning and got home the next afternoon. I think it was much harder on me to be away from her. She and Mike did great and I don't think she missed a beat. I think Mike was exhausted by the time I got home on Thursday, but Maude was no worse for the wear.
In Mike and Maude's 36 hour adventure, she put him to the test just a bit. The morning I left, Mike got up at 5:30 AM to make sure he was all ready for the day before she got up (which is typically between 6 and 6:30). 6:15 rolled around and Mike was completely ready, just waiting for Maude to wake up. He waited, and waited, and waited... until 7:30! Then on Thursday morning, she woke up at 5:45 AM and as Mike went into her room to get her, he was panicked when he saw something all over her crib. Our little gal had a big blowout and her poo was all over her crib. Ahh, poor Mike! That particular issue has never happened to me so he was the lucky one to experience that for the first time.
Maude had her 4 month doctor's appointment yesterday. She's 23 inches long and 13lbs 4.5 oz. Her height is still in the 25th percentile, but her weight is a bit above now (I think it's all in her thighs!!) and her head is back up into the 50th percentile. She took her shots better than in past appointments and was a smiley little gal again within a few minutes of getting them.
Tomorrow, Maude and I leave for Minnesota. This is her second flight, but our first alone together. I'm a little nervous for how it will go without Mike there to help with entertainment. I'm hoping she'll turn into a less curious little one and decide sleeping is pretty nice during a plane ride!
Enjoy the pictures below, all taken in Seattle.
Prior to getting on the flight. As you can see, Maude was pretty thrilled. |
About to get on the airplane!! |
Maude's first swimsuit. We tried the hotel pool but it was a little too cold for everyone. |
Mike had his best cup of coffee ever from this place and we took a picture with the barista! (Note: this was not a Starbuck's!) |
Pike's Place Market! |
Jason and Tonya with a windblown Maude on her first ferry ride. |
Somebody discovered her feet! And she thinks they're quite tasty! |
4 months old! |
Mowhawk. |