Since my last update, Maude got her two top teeth! One came in just a bit before the other, but they're now both in and it's like seeing a different kid when she smiles and laughs so big that you can see them. They're arrival was much less uneventful than the bottom two. With those, she was clearly pretty fussy for a few days. These suddenly appeared, with very little fanfare. We can only hope future teeth are as uneventful.
According to Mike, Maude continues to enjoy her ECFE class. She seems to have made friends with a little boy named Lucas. She apparently whined and grunted and wriggled around one day as Mike carried her into the school - Mike couldn't figure out what her deal was until he realized Lucas was just a few feet behind them. Once they waited and let Lucas catch up, Maude was happy as pie. She's also a bit of a show off from what I hear. As one little boy sat in front of a toy and wasn't quite sure what to do with it, Maude went charging across the room and showed him exactly how to use it, even switching from one hand to the other as though she were saying "See, it's so easy. You just do it like this, or this, or this!" Agh, I wish I could see those moments!!
Food has been going well. She seems to enjoy everything we put in front of her. She even ate some Chicken Tikka Masala this weekend. Dinner tonight was pork chops and potatoes. Maude got a small helping of each and loved it! She fed herself which was one of the first times we've tried that. At one point Mike and I got so excited that she'd gotten a serving of pork chop in her mouth successfully that we both started clapping. She dropped whatever was left in her hands and started clapping too! This weekend was a first for feeding her big people food - we usually stick to pureed foods and are just now starting to get a bit more adventurous. We tried dairy for the first time last weekend and that unfortunately didn't go so well. Her face broke out in a rash so it looks like we'll hold off on trying dairy again until after she's a year. Being the worrier that I am, I now fear that she'll have other foods she's allergic to. So far avocados and dairy haven't been her friend so I'm being much more cautious about introducing other high allergenic type foods.
We spent a lot of time in our front yard this afternoon doing some work like planting mums and raking. Maude spent it on a blanket in the front yard and between she and Stella, attracted lots of neighborhood children. Maude loved watching the kids and dogs play and also tried eating her fair share of leaves. Really, she was just doing her part to help her daddy get the leaves off the ground!!
We only have a few pictures for this post. As I've said, it's been a busy few weeks, but apparently not terribly photo worthy!
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It's been so nice, we tried dining al fresco! |
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Stella was much more interesting than whatever food she was eating. |
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8 months! |
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So sweet. |