Maude is now 14 months old. The big event of the day was her first hair cut. Her hair isn't super long and I want it to get longer, but it was looking pretty scraggly. I debated on whether we should cut it and finally just did it. I'm so glad I did. Even though it's not a big change or anything, it looks so much better!! She wasn't quite sure what to think of the the whole experience, but she did well and seemed pretty pleased with herself once it was all over.
She continues to talk up a storm. This morning she was laying in bed with Mike and I and she started doing the hand motions for the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (one of her favorite songs) and as she did the down (down came the rain) motion, she said "down." We've been keeping track of how many words she knows and she's well over 20 at this point.
Maude still isn't a walker, but she is now comfortable holding on to just one hand when she walks with us. I think we're at least a few weeks off from her walking on her own, but who knows... She's been walking holding on to our hands for over two months now. I certainly thought she'd be over that and on to walking on her own by now. Maybe she'll walk holding on to just one hand for another two months.
We went to her buddy Joseph's birthday party yesterday. There were lots of other kids there and Maude had fun watching them all, helping Joseph open presents, and checking out all of his new books. I think I've mentioned it before, but Maude is ridiculously obsessed with books. She can sit and read for hours. It's our bribe for getting her to do something she doesn't want to do - like coming in from playing outside. All we have to say is "we'll read some books" and she high-tails it in the house and right to her room to her books.
Joseph is Maude's buddy from ECFE. Joseph's dad is one of three guys in the class. He, Mike, and the third dad have been getting together once a week for play dates with the kids. On Friday, Mike and the other two dads made homemade pizzas together for lunch. I'm guessing the other moms in ECFE don't get together to do such fun stuff together! I'm so glad there are other dads in the class they take and especially that Mike really likes them and looks forward to get togethers!!
Some photos from the past few weeks:
High kick! |
Checking out her 14 month sticker and showing off her hair clip. |
Before Hair |
Getting a hair cut! |
Not quite sure about this... |
Blow dry! |
Messy face. |
She loves to swing! |
I think she looks like such a big girl here. |
Helping open presents at Joseph's party! |