Maude is now eight weeks old. It is truly amazing how much a part of our life she is and it hasn't even been two months. I would have never expected that spending day after day with no down time and a lack of sleep would be okay, and even enjoyable.
Last week, I mentioned Maude's talent with projectiles. I even gave an example via a video of a projectile booger. (I've heard some thought it was a little too gross - sorry about that!!) Anyway, she showed off her projectile talents last week, but from the other end. While changing her diaper one afternoon, she sent a little gift flying at least 3 feet across the room. It hit the nearby bathroom door and overall, made quite the mess. This was definitely the grossest, and possibly funniest, part of parenthood so far...
Along with all of the nasty moments in parenting, there are many sweet moments. Mike gives Maude a bottle every night just before bedtime. We made a playlist of songs the two of them listen to while he feeds her and rocks her to sleep. One of them is "Lullaby" by Billy Joel which he wrote for his daughter. Mike shared with me that he dreamed of having a daughter and playing that song to her. Another song on the Daddy & Maude playlist is Paul Simon's "Father and Daughter" which is one of my favorites. Watching Mike rock her and sing to her each night absolutely melt my heart.
Enjoy the pictures from this past week!
Daddy and Maude in her rocker. |
Bundled up. We had some chilly days this week as well as days in the 90s. |
Tummy Time! |
I'm loving these bows - they're velcro! |
Maude and her buddy Pete. Maude is trying to hold his hand. |
Things are going pretty well from Maude's perspective. |
Clearly Pete doesn't feel the same way about Maude as she feels about him! |