Thursday, May 26, 2011

15 Weeks Old!

Today was a big day for Ms. Maude.  She went to day care for the first time.  I was in tears the moment I walked in the door to leave her there.  I stayed with her for a while and she seemed to be enjoying all the fun toys they have so I finally pried myself out of there.  I called in a few times throughout the day and the teachers always said she was doing great and they were enjoying having her there.  When I picked her up, one of the teachers was holding her and didn't want to give her up.  So all in all, the day was much tougher on me than it was Maude.  I hope next week goes just as well!

Next week is actually my official start back to work, but I attended a local client meeting on Tuesday and went to my office for a short day today.  Mike stayed home and watched Maude on Tuesday while I was at my meeting.  He initially volunteered to "babysit" her for the day and I had to gently let him know that it's not called babysitting when it's your own child!  It's now become a little joke for us. He reported that their day went well.  There were no major meltdowns and she even left him a lovely gift in her diaper. 

Our typically great sleeper has been having some rough nights lately.  It started last week while Mike was working late a few nights in a row.  I initially assumed her struggle to stay asleep when I put her down had to do with the fact that she hadn't seen Mike all day and he's always the one to give a bottle before bed.  The first night he was home before her bedtime, she slept through the night. We had several nights in a row of great sleeping again until early this week, too.   Last night was the worst but tonight she went down pretty easily and is still asleep.  Here's hoping she stays that way until morning!

In addition to the late nights, Maude has been a bit fussier during the day and has been spitting up a lot more than normal.  I made the connection a few days ago to the fact that I've been eating A LOT of bell peppers and onions.  I think the poor gal has had some tummy issues.  I haven't had pepper and onions since Tuesday night and already today, she was a much happier little gal.  I'll probably stay away from them for another week or so and if Maude stays her normally pleasant self, I guess I'll be avoiding those items in the near future.  Our summer go to fajitas on the grill may be in jeopardy! 

We're looking forward to the upcoming three day weekend.  I hope you all enjoy yours!

The pictures below were taken during Mike and Maude's day together. 

Happy girl!

This picture makes me laugh!

Daddy and Maude heading out for a walk. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 14!!

Maude is 14 weeks old.  What?  I know I keep saying this, but it is so amazing to see how much she's changed.  She is a riot these days.  I have so much fun with her.  It seems so unfair that I'll be going to work in just a week or two, just as Maude is becoming such a little person with a very happy and fun little personality.

A few posts ago, I made the mistake of commenting that I couldn't remember the last time I had to get up in the middle of the night.  That very night, I think Maude woke up twice.  Ever since, she either sleeps all through the night or wakes up just once.  I really can't complain.  We've moved her bedtime to an earlier hour and the first few nights of that brought a middle of the night wake up.  There have also been a few early mornings.  She's had a few 12 hour straight through nights which feels amazing!  In other sleep news, I finally was able to let her sleep in her crib.  If she wakes up in the middle of the night, I bring her into our room after her feeding.  I was pretty darn proud of myself for finally leaving her in her room when I went to bed.

For weeks now, Maude has been giggling, but we've been getting some full on laughter over the past few days.  Sunday was the first day we heard her really (really!) laughing.  It was hysterical laughter.  Mike was holding her and singing some power ballad type song.  She started giggling, then laughing so hard - we've never heard anything like it.  I was laughing so hard and was so happy, my eyes welled up.  I looked at Mike and through his laughter, his eyes were welling up, too.  (Sorry, Mike - hope this was ok to share!!)  Ever since, we've been desperately trying (mostly in vain) to get the same laughter out of her.  We've gotten some more laughs, but nothing like what we saw on Sunday.

Maude's favorite thing to do during playtime is to have tummy time and look at herself in the mirror.  As soon as I lay her down and she spies herself in the mirror, she grins her biggest grin. She typically babbles to herself, too.  I constantly wonder if she knows that it's her own image or if she thinks it's another baby smiling and laughing back at her.  She's also just beginning to roll over.  I think most of the time it's more of a fall over, but she's doing it so we'll calling it rolling.  She also mostly rolls to her right.

The video below is some tummy time in front of the mirror, followed by a roll/fall over.  Please excuse the glimpses of her little bare bottom!  =)

More tummy time in the mirror.  This was after quite some time on her tummy and she was nearing her end point.  Also note her cute little bear bottom (not to be confused with the bare bottom above).

Napping in her aptly named Sleepy Wrap while at the park.

I thought this was a beautiful shot of Stella.  Mike took this over the weekend and I just love it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 13

Maude was 3 months last Friday and 13 weeks on Sunday!  Time has flown by.  We marvel every day at how much she changes.  I had a dream last night that I woke up this morning and Maude was talking!  I can't wait to hear her first words, but am not ready for her to be old enough to talk.

We had her 3 month appointment at the doctor's on Monday.  Maude is now 11lbs, 14.5oz and 23 inches long.  Her heights, weight and head circumference are all in the 25th percentile.  This is where she's been since birth so it's good to know that she's growing at a steady rate.  She also got two shots which she hated even more this time than she did the first time!  There were major tears and screaming.  So awful!  But, I'm thankful she's getting the protection she needs from them which I have to remind myself as she's screaming during them and crabby for the day after getting them.

My firth mother's day was amazing. Just having Maude here and being the recipient of her smiles and giggles all day were the best gift I could ever receive.  Mike made pancakes for breakfast, we had a picnic in the park for lunch, and then for dinner Mike made salmon and roasted veggies.  Yummo!

Mike's birthday was yesterday.  I learned that the year he was born, mother's day was the very next day.  What a mother's day gift that was for his mom!  We had a low key evening celebrating at home.  Maude wanted to make him a cake so we worked on that during the day while he was at work.

I'm soaking up my last few weeks here at home with her.  I get sick to my stomach at the thought of leaving her when I go to work.  I also learned that I have a business trip to Seattle fairly soon after I go back but thankfully we were able to work it out so Mike can come along and bring Maude.  Yay!  We'll also get to see friends while we're there.  Double Yay!  =)

I hope you enjoy the latest photos.  I think Maude gets cuter and cuter each week! 

At Noah Hamer's 1st Birthday Party.  I think she's grumpy because I wouldn't let her go in the bouncy house!

Mike and Maude with John and Noah.  Mike and John were roommates for years here in LA.  So cute to see them with their babies!

Giving kisses.  I love love love how Maude squeals when I do this. 

Such a happy girl on Mother's Day!

Mike on his birthday with the cake and sign that Maude wanted me to make for him. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 12

This will be a mostly photo post.  It's suddenly Friday and I haven't updated the blog all week. 

Maude is 3 months old today!  How did that happen?  It is truly amazing how much she's changed from when she was born.  Those first few days after she was born, I kept thinking about how I didn't want her to grow up, I just wanted to enjoy those first days of having a brand new baby forever.  Now that she's 3 months old, I realize how much fun it is to watch her discover new things and become a little person.  I can tell that she can see a lot further than she could and will immediately brighten up when Mike or I enter a room.  She smiles and laughs most of her waking hours.  She is particularly fascinated with her hands - both looking at them and all they can do and getting as much of them as possible in her mouth at one time.

Her good sleeping streak continues.  I can't remember the last time I got up with her in the middle of the night.  This would obviously be a great time to transition her to sleeping in her own room all night.  Every night I swear that this will be the night that it happens.  But then Mike and I go up to bed and I can't help myself, I go and get her out of her crib and move her into the crib in our room.  I asked Mike the other night if he would mind if she slept in our room until she was 18.  I don't think he went for it. 

Mike gives Maude a bottle each night.  She grabbed hold of it one night.  I guess she was hungry!

3 month old happy girl!

I've been a mom for 3 months so I stole Maude's sticker when she was done with it.

She doesn't sit up on her own yet, but can with a little help from mom or dad.

Loving her hand!