Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 12

This will be a mostly photo post.  It's suddenly Friday and I haven't updated the blog all week. 

Maude is 3 months old today!  How did that happen?  It is truly amazing how much she's changed from when she was born.  Those first few days after she was born, I kept thinking about how I didn't want her to grow up, I just wanted to enjoy those first days of having a brand new baby forever.  Now that she's 3 months old, I realize how much fun it is to watch her discover new things and become a little person.  I can tell that she can see a lot further than she could and will immediately brighten up when Mike or I enter a room.  She smiles and laughs most of her waking hours.  She is particularly fascinated with her hands - both looking at them and all they can do and getting as much of them as possible in her mouth at one time.

Her good sleeping streak continues.  I can't remember the last time I got up with her in the middle of the night.  This would obviously be a great time to transition her to sleeping in her own room all night.  Every night I swear that this will be the night that it happens.  But then Mike and I go up to bed and I can't help myself, I go and get her out of her crib and move her into the crib in our room.  I asked Mike the other night if he would mind if she slept in our room until she was 18.  I don't think he went for it. 

Mike gives Maude a bottle each night.  She grabbed hold of it one night.  I guess she was hungry!

3 month old happy girl!

I've been a mom for 3 months so I stole Maude's sticker when she was done with it.

She doesn't sit up on her own yet, but can with a little help from mom or dad.

Loving her hand!