Okay, maybe that's a tad high. But she's been in the air a lot for someone under 180 days old - unfortunately they don't spot babies any frequent flyer miles. I think she'd be closing in on silver status (she's been to more fancy Sky Clubs in her life than I have).
For those of you who mostly tune in for the pictures - not to worry - there have been no photo sessions around the house but I've been getting snapshots from life on the road which I can share - Seattle this week for a couple days then back to LA for a couple nights then out to Iowa where she's getting to hang with Nama & Grandpa this weekend.
So, on to the vitals:
Maude had her 5 month doctor's appointment on Monday - everything is good and she hit the 15 pound mark! Of course then Tuesday she woke up with pinkeye - and was due on a flight in 3 hours so I booked it back to the pediatrician then swung by the pharmacy while Marnie got ready and got to the airport - we made the baby handoff with a little time to spare but was quite the adventure.
As for the theoretical, I've spent some time this weekend thinking about the evolution of the female role model. Even as we're continually dunked in a tank of talentless reality stars - the Kardashians, Hiltons, Lohans, Real Housewives - I've spent the past few days taking in the greatness that is out there. I don't know if having a daughter has simply made me more aware of the surroundings or if the surroundings are evolving - I have a feeling it's a little of each - they're both for the better.
This afternoon I watched our US women compete for the World Cup championship - competitive as any men and likely classier in defeat - and it felt like a big event, worthy of national attention - those ladies are stars (and I don't know that any human on the planet can execute a header like Abby Wambach).
I caught a matinee of Harry Potter 7.5 on Friday - a lot of the ass-kicking was doled out by the female characters. Bridesmaids has grossed over $200MM at the box office and received more attention than any other comedy this summer. I've got Michael Jackson's This is It on in the background right now and his lead guitarist was a rockin' female. Michelle Obama is hardly just the wife of the President - she's a figure all her own. Tina Fey runs one of the most successful (and funny) shows on television.
I'm sure there are still ceilings (the White House awaits). I'm sure there are inequalities (I like to think they're fading). But we tell our kids that they can do anything they want and it makes me happy it's becoming easier to point and say "see, there... you want it, go get it".
As Marnie mentioned in her last post we're heading for a shift that's going to have Marnie heading to the office and me staying home to handle the day-to-day around the house - flipping the "traditional roles" on their ear. While I'll try to provide my own example I'll certainly guide Maude to the influence of whoever the Abby Wambach, Hope Solo, Kristin Wiig, Orianthi (MJ's guitarist), Michelle Obama, Tina Fey or Hermione Granger's of the future will be - we can all learn a thing or two.
Now, enough blabbering - on to the photos!

Maude hanging at Pike Place Market
I don't know what was going on here.
They just told me what happens on the road stays on the road.