Long time, no write. We haven't had the time recently to even shower some days so the blog has obviously taken a back seat to things more necessary. Moving across the country, for example. Or unpacking a house with a 6 month old who doesn't allow us much time to really plow through a bunch of boxes at once. Or the two business trips I've been on since we moved in less than two weeks ago. It's been an intense few weeks and we still have lots of boxes to unpack, but we can at least function in our house. Not every meal has to be take out from one of the many restaurants in our neighborhood, although it's still our default way to get dinner as we're working on getting settled. I finally found my shoes last night so that's a win!
Maude was a different kid for a week or so during and after the move. Our normally very happy and great sleeper was a crabby, fussy, non-sleeping baby. We've worked pretty hard on the sleep which has automatically helped the other issues as well. We also started solids last week. As you'll see from the photos I'll post, Maude is not yet a fan. We waited on the longer side of when most start solids with their babies so I assumed she'd be near ravenous for something other than my milk. Turns out, my kid loves her milk and could really care less for other food. She seems to becoming very slightly more interested than she was a week ago, so hopefully she's coming around on the food thing. I'm afraid I'll be exclusively nursing this little gal until she's 5!
There are many stories to tell and rather than trying to document them here, I'll post some photos and along with some captioning, let them speak for our moving adventure!
Reflecting on her last day in LA. |
She's decided she's over it. LA is so boring to her now. |
Soaking up some last minute LA sunshine! |
We celebrated her 6 month birthday in our hotel room the day before leaving for Minnesota. |
Being 6 months old is pretty cool! |
Ewww! Avocados?! Are you kidding me, this is awful!! |
Maude has gotten very good at zerberting her food. It makes a wonderful mess. |
New friends. I think they've bonded over the fact that they have no idea what happened to their peaceful little world. |
True love. Stella doesn't let anyone mess with her paws. |
Enjoying our new backyard! |
Concentrating on a squirrel or bunny or other critter in our backyard. |