What our 13 month old is up to these days:
- Being outdoors
- Talking!
- Stella
- Peek A Boo
- Not walking
The sudden warm weather has been the best thing that ever happened to Maude. She adores being outside! A few weekends ago when the weather felt more like summer than late winter/early spring, we spent from sun up to sun down outside. We had one very tired little lady. We would wake up in the morning and Maude would immediately demand to head outside. She would hardly even tolerate the time it would take to get clothes on for the day. We spent hours in the backyard, walked to the local coffee shop and sipped on our coffees all morning on their outdoor patio while Stella made friends with the other doggies and Maude charmed the other patrons, walked to several local parks where Maude mastered the slides and tried making friends with the older kids.
Starting a few weeks before Maude's birthday, she started walking while holding on to our fingers. It was a true pain in the back, but we figured it was her final step before first steps. That was two months ago. We're still walking around, bent over, while Maude grasps onto our fingers and walks or runs around the house. And there's no sign of her giving up those fingers anytime soon.
What the little lady lacks in walking skills, she's making up for in talking skills. Who knew my kid would like to talk?! Ha! We tried tonight to count of all the words she knows and she says 12 words. She's been picking up a word or two a day and it's been so much fun to watch her and hear the new words each day! She's currently working on peek-a-boo and she's mastered the "peek" part and is working on the "a-boo." A few weeks ago she started pointing at our eyes and saying "eye" and then with me, she points at a mole on my forehead and says "mole." Seriously never thought one of my daughter's first words would be "mole" but it makes me laugh! She loves to say "hi!" When we're at the park and other kids go running by her, she pipes up with a "hi," trying to make friends or get someone to stop and play with her. It's so sweet but also a little sad to watch her try so hard and none of those little kids are interested in playing with the baby who doesn't yet walk.
Maude will be 14 months old next week. I can't wait to see what the next month brings. Many more words to be sure and maybe some first steps. I'll keep you posted! =)
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We liked our 1-12 month stickers so much, we got some 13-24 month stickers as well. |
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Children's Museum. Practicing her shopping skills. |
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Children's Museum. Checking out what it's like to ride the bus like Mommy does. |
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We took a trip down to Ames to watch Iowa State v Baylor. Future Cyclone! |
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Como Zoo. I think Maude and the giraffe have the same hairstyle. |
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This photo was taken at least a month ago. Loving her new wagon and on a walk with the last bit of snow on the ground. |
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Found this photo on our camera. Taken on Maude's first birthday before Mike and I headed out to a work event we had to attend. |