Thursday, May 31, 2012

Proficient Walker

Maude has really mastered the walking in the past week.  Up until then, she was walking, but mostly just between Mike and I or between pieces of furniture.  A week or so ago, she just took off and now walks everywhere.  I'm not sure I've seen her crawl at all in at least a week. 

We had her regular check up this week and her weight has dropped into the 25th percentile (she's been hanging at 50% since birth).  Her doc wasn't at all worried and said it's most likely due to her walking.  She eats like a horse, so I know she's not slowing her gains due to not eating!! 

He was also pretty impressed with her vocabulary which of course made us proud. Mike and Maude had their last ECFE class yesterday and Teacher Lynne who stays with the kids while the parents have their session said that Maude really had a "word explosion" this week and was saying a lot of words she wouldn't really expect a 15/16 month old to know.  One of her favorite words is "George" - she loves her some Curious George books and exclaims "George!" everytime she sees him.  (Shhh!  Don't tell Maude but we're taking her to a breakfast with Curious George in a few weeks!)

We're headed to Seattle this Saturday for a combination work trip/vacation.  We're definitely taking advantage of the kid flies free under 2 thing.  We realized that we were in Seattle during this exact same time a year ago.  We took Maude's 4 months pictures there last year and next week while we're there, she'll be 16 months. 

She and Mike are on the campus of a local college this morning, checking out the wildlife.  We saved some bread to give to the ducks, but according to Mike, she's been hogging most of it for herself.

Enjoy the video.