We're now at 20 weeks which is technically the halfway point. Because we found out we were pregnant at around 4 weeks, I don't consider this halfway yet and also, something tells me the next 20 weeks are a whole different ball game!
The most exciting news this week is that we had our 20 week ultrasound today. I had no idea going in to this appointment that they could check so many things by looking at that somewhat grainy image of our baby. First off, she's definitely a girl. We felt pretty confident at 80%, but the ultrasound technician confirmed the findings from our last appointment. Second, everything else with Baby Ov looked perfect. We could see that she has 10 fingers, 10 toes, 4 chambers of her heart, her brain looks normal (actually, more than normal - she's going to be a genius!!) and all other organs looked great. At the very end, she gave us a little thumbs up sign which was pretty darn cute. Here's a profile of her face with her giving a little wave. I guess this is her official "hello!" to readers of her blog!

There's not a lot else to share this week. We're currently looking for a rocker we like which has proven more difficult than we thought. I nearly caved in and bought one we saw this past weekend at a rocking chair store in LA but thankfully Mike was the voice of reason. When we got home later and looked the chair up online, we found it was incredibly overpriced. Whew! I must always remember to shop for big items with Mike. The search for the perfect rocker continues.
I'm still feeling great and thankful for it. I haven't had to go maternity clothes shopping yet which I'm also quite happy about. It seems the only "typical" symptom I'm having is my need to get our house and the baby's room in order. The second I found out I was pregnant, I printed a calendar and scheduled out house projects for each weekend between then and when I'm due. Mike has been one very busy guy for the past few months! He's probably ready for this baby much more than me just so he can get a break from the constant work. =)