I'm starting to get desperate as to what to write about. I've been updating this blog weekly so feel a commitment to keep that up, yet don't have much of anything to update on each week. I still feel great (with the exception of the nasty heat wave that's hit LA. It was 113 today - hottest day ever on record here!!) and in general, don't really feel all that pregnant on a day to day basis. The bathrooms at my office are closed for the next week and a half so I have certainly noticed my increased need to visit said closed bathroom. Not nice to do to a pregnant woman!
The exciting news is that we settled on a rocker (a glider actually) and ordered it on Saturday. The picture here is almost identical to what we ordered. We looked through the fabrics at the store and I think what we settled on is very close to this picture. In 8-10 weeks, we'll have a swivel glider/recliner. Mike is pretty excited about the recliner part.

Fortunately, that's all the news, or lack of news here. Have a great week and maybe Mike can come up with something fun and creative to write about next week. I'm not making any promises, I just think that my boring updates aren't going to keep readers coming back for more!! =)