Four years ago today, Mike and I went on our first date. Tonight we went on a tour at the hospital where we’re going to have our baby. If you had told us on that first date that this is what we would be doing four years from then, I think we both would have laughed (and maybe been a little creeped out). I’m so glad that first date turned into many more dates. our marriage, and now our Baby Girl on her way in just 7 weeks!
We had a doctor’s appointment last week with another ultrasound. She’s getting bigger so they can’t get a good shot of her whole body in at once, but we saw lots of pictures of her face, hands and feet. Everything is looking good. The technician commented on her really long second toe - Mike has a crazy long second toe while mine is short and stubby. It looks like she has Mike’s feet! She also commented that she has hair! I don’t know why, but I have been envisioning a very bald baby - I guess I was wrong! Here are a few pictures - one is a profile of her face and her hand it waving (she really likes to wave!) and the other is a view looking directly at her face/up her nose. You can see she was yawning and sticking out her tongue. We think it’s the darn cutest thing we’ve ever seen!

The window for our crib delivery came and went with no crib. I was finally given a straight answer from the manager at the store where we ordered it from and it’s now looking like it won’t even ship from New Jersey (where the manufacturer is) until sometime in January, probably late January. We happened to order a very new crib for this crib maker which is why it took so long to make. It will be at the New Jersey location later this month but then our retailer has to justify the shipment so they wait until they have enough other items to ship which they’re guessing will be late January. I guess none of them understand that pregnancy is generally a 40 week endeavor and I don’t know too many people who run out and order a crib the day they find out they’re expecting. We ordered that thing not long after we told our friends and family that we were pregnant and even at that date, I felt a little weird ordering a crib. I wasn’t even showing yet! Oh well, it is what it is. We’re getting free delivery and set up out of the deal. Our baby girl might be sleeping in a dresser drawer for a bit, but I’m guessing she won’t know or care! =)
I just reread my last few sentences in that story about the crib and realize that it sounds like I’m completely fine with this delay. I will say that is certainly not the case. When the manager of the store finally told me that it would be late January or early February before we have our crib, my eyes welled up with tears and I started crying right there on the phone talking to this poor woman. My post last week was about how I haven’t really experienced some of the typical pregnancy symptoms, but one that I’ve had pretty strongly from the start is nesting. Within a few days of finding out we were going to be parents, I printed a calendar and wrote on it how many weeks until our due date. On each weekend, I had projects we had to finish around the house before baby came. Pretty clearly marked on last weekend was “D-Day for baby’s room being done.” It’s difficult for me that that goal is not done. I really hate walking upstairs, seeing her room and not seeing a crib.
My need to nest is helping in other ways. I’ve been making and freezing food so that we can actually eat without a lot of effort after the baby’s born. I started last week and made a casserole, then made lasagna last night. I’m hoping to have a decent stock pile of food ready to make our first few weeks a bit easier. I also washed all of her clothes and blankets. It was so much fun folding up all those little onesies and other cute outfits!!
We hope you all have a very merry Christmas!