Merry Christmas from the Overmans! I realize I'm writing this the day after Christmas, but since it's still the weekend, our tree is still up and we're continuing to enjoy the holiday, I thought it was appropriate.
I'm still feeling good and Baby Ov is as active as ever. As of my last doctor's appointment, she's head down, all ready to come on out. She moves so much though I swear there is no way she's staying head down, but I've been assured that babies rarely come out of that position this late in the game. We continue to work through what's now a dwindling to-do list of things to get done before the baby. I officially have every last possible item washed and ready for her. We still have a few little things to buy but if she came tomorrow (and we sure hope she doesn't - it's too early!!), we'd be able to get by with what we have.
Since I don't have much to update on regarding Baby Ov, I thought I'd just share a few pictures of our Christmas in LA.
This was the first year that Mike and I spent Christmas in Los Angeles. It was a little too close to Baby Ov's due date to make holiday travel plans so we spent the day celebrating with just our little family. Below is a picture of our tree - our place is small so we have a skinny tree which doesn't take up a lot of room. Notice the presents under the tree. This is the first year we've actually had presents under our tree. We've never exchanged gifts with each other and all of our other gifts were always shipped back to the Midwest so under our tree has always been bare. I loved having it filled with gifts this year although Stella (who likes to nap under the tree on the tree skirt) wasn't a big fan!

After opening our gifts, we made a smaller version of a Christmas feast. So much good food! We enjoyed leftovers today and I'm guessing we'll continue to enjoy them throughout the coming week.

It was definitely a different Christmas for us being in sunny Los Angeles and not being with our families, but after four Christmases together, it was nice to celebrate it as our own little family. Although it is our last Christmas as a family of two (3 with Stella), it actually felt like our first Christmas.