by Mike
At this point one might refer to me as a guest blogger, as my presence has been inconspicuously absent from any postings lately. Marnie’s had the play-by-play covered, keeping everyone up to speed on the details, so I’ve decided to look back at some of my early thoughts. When we first learned we were expecting, obviously I was excited - and since we kept it to ourselves for a while, I would walk around with a smirk, thinking--
“I am special”
“you don’t know it, but I have a secret”
“seriously... I am going to blow people’s minds once I unleash this news”
And then I started looking around.
And then I started noticing.
Having a kid is about the least unique thing in the world. They’re everywhere. All those strollers in my way at the farmer’s market - filled with kids. Those honor roll bumper stickers - kids. Double-stroller outside the coffee shop - two kids at once - can't match that parlor trick. Then we took those baby classes - a dozen couples who are not only going to have kids, but have them in roughly the same time frame as we were - excuse me, people, WE WERE SPECIAL!
Part of my brightly colored world had turned to brown. My parade forecast called for rain.
Then I started thinking about one of my favorite shows - Lost.
Some of you have seen it, a lot of people gave up on it, great many web pages were dedicated to deciphering what it all meant. I can tell you what it meant to me - it was an exercise in perspective. The drama that went on on that island - and it was great drama, truly crazy stuff - would go unknown by the rest of the world. And yet, there they were, the characters - running, fighting, dying, falling in love, smote by smoke monsters (I really miss this show) - pouring their blood, sweat and tears into that limited life because that’s all they had - it was truly their whole universe.
And that’s what this is for us - this is our island. On a “big world” scale, very few people will notice if we have a baby or don’t have a baby. The world is going to keep on turning. Proud Mary’s gonna keep on burning. But it matters to us. We are having a baby. And she’s coming soon. And we’re excited and it’s the biggest thing that’s ever happened to us. And Marnie has prepped with the meticulous strategy & diligence of a pro football coach - we’ve got stacks of diapers, lists of to-dos, lists of to-don’ts, bins of clothing sorted by age - we know not only where the main entrance to the hospital is, we know both routes to the emergency entrance should the main entrance be inaccessible.
We’ve got everything covered except that doggone crib.
Til next time... thanks for reading.
“I am special”
“you don’t know it, but I have a secret”
“seriously... I am going to blow people’s minds once I unleash this news”
And then I started looking around.
And then I started noticing.
Having a kid is about the least unique thing in the world. They’re everywhere. All those strollers in my way at the farmer’s market - filled with kids. Those honor roll bumper stickers - kids. Double-stroller outside the coffee shop - two kids at once - can't match that parlor trick. Then we took those baby classes - a dozen couples who are not only going to have kids, but have them in roughly the same time frame as we were - excuse me, people, WE WERE SPECIAL!
Part of my brightly colored world had turned to brown. My parade forecast called for rain.
Then I started thinking about one of my favorite shows - Lost.
Some of you have seen it, a lot of people gave up on it, great many web pages were dedicated to deciphering what it all meant. I can tell you what it meant to me - it was an exercise in perspective. The drama that went on on that island - and it was great drama, truly crazy stuff - would go unknown by the rest of the world. And yet, there they were, the characters - running, fighting, dying, falling in love, smote by smoke monsters (I really miss this show) - pouring their blood, sweat and tears into that limited life because that’s all they had - it was truly their whole universe.
And that’s what this is for us - this is our island. On a “big world” scale, very few people will notice if we have a baby or don’t have a baby. The world is going to keep on turning. Proud Mary’s gonna keep on burning. But it matters to us. We are having a baby. And she’s coming soon. And we’re excited and it’s the biggest thing that’s ever happened to us. And Marnie has prepped with the meticulous strategy & diligence of a pro football coach - we’ve got stacks of diapers, lists of to-dos, lists of to-don’ts, bins of clothing sorted by age - we know not only where the main entrance to the hospital is, we know both routes to the emergency entrance should the main entrance be inaccessible.
We’ve got everything covered except that doggone crib.
Til next time... thanks for reading.