2 weeks from the official due date. Before I knew our due date, I swore to myself that I wouldn't focus on a DAY because babies very rarely come ON their due date. It isn't easy to do and I certainly think of February 6th a lot, but I'm really doing my best to not focus on that day. I try to think more about the fact that this baby could come anywhere between now and 3 weeks from now. Either way, that's soon! I've had many requests from others on their preferred timing for Baby Ov to arrive (I'll get right on that!) and even more predictions for when she'll arrive (most predict that she'll be late - so not what a 9 month pregnant woman wants to hear!!). I'll take what I can get - what I'm getting is pretty darn good. =)
The big to-do this week was that our crib came in! They delivered and put it together on Thursday. Once Mike came home, he and our neighbor took the glider up to the baby's room and I commenced with all the arranging. I can't express how happy I am to have the room all put together. I spend a lot of time there now, sitting in the glider and thinking about our Baby Ov sleeping in her crib or rocking with me in the chair. Agh - I can't wait!! Here are some pictures of the now complete Baby's room!

The first picture is taken from the door as you enter the room. You may be able to see Stella's backside as she's sniffing around the crib. She's been enjoying checking out the new room - she misses being able to hide under the bed and being able to look out the window from on top of the bed. She DOES like the baby's toys that are on the bottom of the bookshelf. We're trying our best to discourage her and as much as I'm tempted to move the toys out of her reach, I realize we have lots of years of toys that she's going to have to learn to leave alone. Or, she'll just share. We'll see.
The second picture is of the crib and the giraffe and elephant paintings I did. The last is of the dresser and the Stella painting I did a few years ago. As you can see, the room is very simple. It's not over the top baby or over the top girly. We painted the room not long before we found out we were pregnant and with ceilings as tall as ours, we were NOT up for re-painting in a more suitable baby or girl color. I would have loved to put one of the paintings above the crib, but with earthquakes here in LA, it's not advised to hang anything above a bed and certainly not a crib! So there it is. We love it and are so excited to show it to our baby girl!
Now that the room is done, we're officially ready here at home. We cleaned the house this weekend. By cleaned, I mean that we dusted, scrubbed and vacuumed every surface in this house to within an inch of it's life! I'm not sure this place has ever been so clean. I just hope I can keep it somewhat close to this clean at least until Baby Ov arrives. One of my fears is that I'll go into labor and our house won't be clean and then we'll have to bring a baby home to a dirty home. Crazy, I know.