Our baby girl turned 3 weeks last week. Mike, Maude and spend every Sunday at her birth time celebrating her birthday and singing "Happy Birthday" to her. I get teary eyed (okay, I actually flat out cry) every time. I don't even want to think what I'll be like on her first birthday!
Maude is still a fairly agreeable little gal. She has some fussy moments in the evening which I think is pretty common for babies. She sleeps pretty well at night which is all I can ask for. I even laid her down in her bassinet last night while still awake and she fell asleep on her own. If she's well fed and dry, she's pretty good at "entertaining" herself.
We visited the pediatrician today - her first visit in two weeks since her daily trips after she was born. She's now 7lbs, 5 oz (up over a pound since birth and a pound exactly from her appointment two weeks ago!) and is 20.5 inches (up half an inch since birth). She's in the 25th percentile for weight, 50th for height and 75th for her head circumference. Apparently we're raising a tall skinny bobble head! =)
In the hair department, we both think her hair is starting to thin a bit and I can see some lighter hair coming in under the dark. I don't know how long it usually takes for a babies hair to finalize what it will look like, but I'm quite curious to see the final product. I never could have imagined that she would have been born with LOTS of dark hair - I seriously only envisioned a bald baby so her hair was our biggest surprise.
Stella has been a great big sister. When we brought Maude home, I came in first and took Stella out for a quick walk. While we were out, Mike brought Maude in and set her down in her car seat in the kitchen. When we came back in, she discovered Maude and was so curious as to what she found in her house! She's been just as inquisitive ever since. She is especially interested whenever Maude sneezes. The only time she seems annoyed is when Maude is crying - she usually runs away and finds another place to sleep. Every morning after Mike walks her, she comes running back upstairs to check on me and Maude. It's so sweet!
And now on to some pictures! (We know that's why you're all here anyway!)
Photo speaks for itself - Maude at two weeks! |
What a funny face! |
Doesn't it look like she's praying?! |
Maude - 3 Weeks! |
Clean hair getting all fluffed up. |
After a bath. I think she looks so sweet here. |
Thanks for reading!