By Marnie:
Where did the time go? How is Maude already two weeks old? The last few weeks have flown by. From the aspect of lack of sleep and other tough moments, that might be a good thing. From the aspect of taking it all in and enjoying every moment with her, it's going way too fast. I have my moments where I can't handle how quickly it's going by and the tears start flowing. Every day I get sad that this is the last day she'll be this age. I'm looking forward to watching this little gal grow up - I just don't want that to happen too quickly!
Life at home is going well. I know it's just been two weeks and I don't want to speak too soon, but we've been lucky that she's been a good baby. I've been getting a decent amount of sleep every night, she hasn't had any terribly fussy moments, and she's generally a very happy baby.
Mike had two weeks of paternity leave so he's been home since Maude was born. He goes back to work tomorrow which is a huge bummer. We've been having a great time and Maude and I have been completely spoiled having Mike here. He makes all of our meals, runs around and gets whatever we need, and encourages our nap times together. I have no idea what I'm going to do without him here. I should have actually held off on the above paragraph about our good baby until after Mike has been back to work for awhile.
As much as I'm dreading not having Mike around, I really hope that Maude and I can get into a routine and find our groove. We have many more weeks here at home together and we need to figure out our day to day.
Maude's jaundice cleared up and we ended up having to do the phototherapy for five days. We were so thankful to be done. At her appointment last Monday (she was 8 days old), her levels were going down AND she was already 2 oz above her birth weight. Go Maude go! I can't wait to see how much she weighs at her next appointment.
Here are some photos from the last few weeks. I really thought I would have been better at updating this blog on a regular basis. Hopefully as we get more settled into a routine, I'll be a little better about it.
I just love this photo. It's of Maude and Mike hanging out on the couch together while she was still having her phototherapy treatments. I love how she's hanging on to his arm. =) |
Our first outing (other than the doctor's office). Maude is 6 days old here and we went to our favorite local pizza place which also has a great outdoor seating area. We took Stella, too! |
She loves her hands up by her face and her daytime naps are usually taken with her hands somewhere around her face. I think she looks so peaceful and content here. |
Maude at one week. This was taken after a little sponge bath (couldn't have a real bath until her cord came off). | |
First bottle! It looks bigger than her head! |
Nap time on the couch with my girls. |
First real bath! |
After the first bath. We think her hair has a touch of red in it. I'm sure over the next few months her hair will change a ton - I'm anxious to see the final product!! |
That's it for now. Have a great week!